Working Groups
Working Groups are the heart and the muscles of D4CR. Working groups are circles of people making things happen based on the D4CR strategy and overall mission. Currently, working groups are:
You can either :
a) Join and contribute to one of the existing Working Groups Anyone can join the working group(s). Browse the WG pages in this handbook to discover the active groups.
b) Start a new Working Group: WGs can be started by any of the Contributing Members volunteering to lead a group or nominated by anyone from the community. Is there something that is not yet done within our mission & strategy that your hands are itching to get going with? Then get start a new Working Group.
The person(s) (1 or 2) initiating the Working Group becomes a Working Group Lead(s) - wgLs and they can recruit more contributors with more capacity.
Working groups can be temporary or permanent. Working Groups can have related groups or child sub-groups (e.g. Local Chapters has child working groups at each of the locations). It is then the responsibility of the wgL to coordinate and synch in a bigger working group circle through the #wg-all Slack channel and quarterly calls.
Steering members will keep an overview of all active working groups, and clear out the inactive ones on a 6-months cycle.
Read more about the Working Group Lead and Working Group Contributor roles.
To start a working group, the initiator(s) should:
Send a message in Slack channel #d4cr-main with subject line "New Working Group". The message should contain:
name of the new working group, e.g. "Financial Working Group"
scope of the group, description of activities and of how the group fits into strategy and mission of D4CR
list of contributors : a list of people (name, profession, city, country) who are in the group already. Extra karma points for profile photos or links to them.
lead(s) : a working group can have 1-2 leads. The person(s) initiating the WG and sending this email becomes the Working Group Lead(s)
statement whether or not you are looking for additional contributors and a way for people to join, if appropriate
Each Working Group then should:
Create a page in this handbook sharing basic overview of the points mentioned above (name of the group, scope, contributors & leads lists & how to join if appropriate)
Start a Slack channel using the wg- naming convention, e.g. #wg-mooc (and optionally, if the group prefers, a private Slack channel #wg-mooc-private ).
Start using a dedicated D4CR Google Drive folder for storing and sharing working files (“if it is not in Drive it does not exist”)
Working rhythm:
post regular updates in the relevant Slack channel
Working group lead or another contributor of the group should participate in the open quarterly calls where each wg shares updates about their progress + share a short text that would be put into the internal association newsletter
Use the Slack channel #general to connect and engage all people active in other working groups.
Involve people in decisions using e.g. thumbs up and down voting or 1-2-3 option voting (see example here)
Working Groups primarily operate with the use of the advisory model with the steering group and the rest of the community. Anyone outside of working group can send suggestions to a working group - (e.g. for a method in the guide) but it is up to the group whether to take this suggestion on or not.
Last updated
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